Jamila wrote the following review on PastureDRY™. The PastureDRY™ product worked a miracle on our dry lot and muddy pasture.  We’ve had non-stop rain and awful muddy conditions, leading to abscesses for our equine and plain annoyance for those of us caring for them. ...

Use PastureDRY™ right & it’s worth every penny!!!!

YOU HAVE TO APPLY THIS PRODUCT CORRECTLY AND IT WORKS!!!!!!! I was boarding my boy in a very very wet area, causing hoof problems and I was fed up. I did some research called the customer service phone number with many questions and concerns (because yes it’s...

Dianne, ARENACLEAR™ has been wonderful!

John, We started using ARENACLEAR™ in our indoor arena last year and it has been wonderful! Previously, we used Mag Flakes, but the cost for shipping and the product itself went sky high!! It made it necessary to find another alternative for dust control. Since we...

Luke Brock-our students stopped coughing up a lung.

The footing in our indoor arena was a big problem. We could have the footing decent, but the air quality was terrible or the footing was muddy and terrible, but the dust was cut down. After we applied ARENACLEAR™ I saw a huge difference in our footing. It allowed us...