Happy mom & daughter video

We just purchased your product a few weeks ago at Congress and we could not be happier with the results! My daughter and her horse could not be happier! 

Peggy- good winter footing

Hi John, received the order this morning. I have been using ARENACLEAR in my indoor arena for nearly one year and am very pleased with this product. It is very easy to apply, has resulted in a significant decrease watering, minimal dust and provides good winter...

Emee Ermel – like magic in a bottle

This is magic in a bottle.  I do not know how it does this, but it keeps the dust and footing so well during the hot summer and it also improves the drainage during the rainy season.  We just went through Hurricane Harvey and had over 50″ of rain, but the...

Chava Lee-dusty indoor arena in Alaska before ARENACLEAR

I want to take a moment to thank you for a superior product and excellent customer service. I live in Alaska and my horse is stabled in a barn with 25 other horses all who have stalls surrounding an indoor arena. The arena can get so dusty that you can not see the...

Roy K.-Pork Festival

Last year, we used ARENACLEAR for our exposition center during the annual Pork Festival. We have been troubled in the years past by dust from the floor. Vendors had complained and some refused to return if we did not find a way to eliminate the dust. Finding...