
Read what our customers think of ARENACLEAR™ and PastureDRY™!

Use PastureDRY™ right & it’s worth every penny!!!!


I was boarding my boy in a very very wet area, causing hoof problems and I was fed up. I did some research called the customer service phone number with many questions and concerns (because yes it’s expensive) about this product. The gentleman who answered the phone was AMAZING, nice, patient, answered every one of my questions. Helped guide me, didn’t pressure me into buying the product. It all depends on how wet your area is to determine how much you’ll need to saturate the area. If you don’t do it correctly it will NOT work. Worth every penny and I would buy again.

Jeanelle, 11/11/2024

Dianne, ARENACLEAR™ has been wonderful!


We started using ARENACLEAR™ in our indoor arena last year and it has been wonderful! Previously, we used Mag Flakes, but the cost for shipping and the product itself went sky high!! It made it necessary to find another alternative for dust control.

Since we changed to ARENACLEAR™, we have noticed that the horses are having fewer abscesses, the corrosion to the metal supports of the arena fence are better, and the texture has improved.

Dianne, owner of a large Equestrian Center in Southern Illinois

Construction Company “Unearths” Soil Conditioner that saves $7,000 Per Day

Simi Valley, California – January 2006

Due to last year’s heavy winter rains, JPI., one of the nation’s largest multi-family developers out of Irving, Texas, was “stuck in the mud: so to speak. JPI had encountered delays on their 500-unit luxury condominium project in Simi Valley, California, putting them nearly 90 days behind schedule, potentially costing the company as much as $7,000 per day.

Compounding the problem were further delays pouring the concrete footings and pads because of the soil’s failure to pass moisture “perc” tests due to heavy clay content and the inherent lack of moisture penetration. The soil has to be able to hold a specific amount of moisture to minimize damage to the concrete over time, caused by natural expansion & contraction of the soil.

“The soil engineer was unable to pass us because we kept failing the perc test,” declared Ken Wenger, Superintendent for JPI. “We kept watering, but we couldn’t get the water to penetrate this type of soil. That’s when I remembered a soil conditioner that I used to use back in the eighties, that worked great, but I couldn’t find it anymore,” he said.

Wenger called his contact at White Cap Construction Supply, part of the Home Depot Supply Division, which caters to large and medium-sized construction contractors, and asked if they carried a product called Firm-All. “They said they had never even heard of it’ Wenger said, “but they called around and found a product that had replaced it called PastureDRY™. We ordered a 55/gallon drum to run some tests.

After following the manufacturer’s application instructions and trying a few of his own, Wenger had his soil engineer come back out and test only two days after the initial application. “He couldn’t believe how fast this stuff worked,” Wenger said, “and we passed the percolation test with flying color. This is saving JPI a ton of money every day and I expect to use this on future sites as well.

PastureDRY™ is an agricultural mineral approved by the State of California and is environmentally safe and ecologically friendly. In addition to dramatically and rapidly improving the soil percolation, PastureDRY™ breaks up the clay and hardpan soil, making excavation and landscaping projects faster and easier. It is also effective for dust control. PastureDRY™ can be purchased from TRC & Associates, Inc.

-JPI Companies

Luke Brock-our students stopped coughing up a lung.

The footing in our indoor arena was a big problem. We could have the footing decent, but the air quality was terrible or the footing was muddy and terrible, but the dust was cut down. After we applied ARENACLEAR™ I saw a huge difference in our footing. It allowed us to have a happy medium where my student and horses weren’t coughing up a lung and the footing was soft supportive. It drastically cut down on the time it took me to prep the arena. I was spending about half the time watering as I was before we had ARENACLEAR™. The biggest benefit to me was the increase in air quality. Before ARENACLEAR™ we would have to stop mid lesson to let the dust settle and sometimes take the horses outside so they could get some fresh air. After applying ARENACLEAR™ we never had a single problem with air quality. We were able to have more riders in the arena at one time and ride for longer because of the dust control ARENACLEAR™ provided us. I highly recommend ARENACLEAR™ as a solution for dust control, decreasing arena prep time, and increasing air quality.

—Luke Brock
Equestrian Coach Morehead State University

Luke Brock, Equestrian Coach Morehead State University

Peggy- good winter footing

Hi John, received the order this morning. I have been using
ARENACLEAR in my indoor arena for nearly one year and am very pleased with
this product. It is very easy to apply, has resulted in a significant
decrease watering, minimal dust and provides good winter footing in our
freezing climate. Thank you for your product.

Emee Ermel – like magic in a bottle

This is magic in a bottle.  I do not know how it does this, but it keeps the dust and footing so well during the hot summer and it also improves the drainage during the rainy season.  We just went through Hurricane Harvey and had over 50″ of rain, but the outdoor arena was rideable the next day!  Absolutely Amazing!  Wonderful product, so glad we found it!!

Chava Lee-dusty indoor arena in Alaska before ARENACLEAR

I want to take a moment to thank you for a superior product and excellent customer service. I live in Alaska and my horse is stabled in a barn with 25 other horses all who have stalls surrounding an indoor arena. The arena can get so dusty that you can not see the other side. That is until we used Arena Clear on it. It is amazing at keeping down the dust. And of course that is so much better for the horses and the riders health. It is easy to use and is amazingly long lasting. Additionally you have provided excellent support by answering questions and providing suggestions. So, thank you again for your product and for being such a great resource. I highly recommend this product.

Roy K.-Pork Festival

Last year, we used ARENACLEAR for our exposition center during the annual Pork Festival. We have been troubled in the years past by dust from the floor. Vendors had complained and some refused to return if we did not find a way to eliminate the dust. Finding ARENACLEAR proved to be the solution to our problems. We could not be more satisfied with the results. Our vendors were delighted and grateful.

Bev- veterinarian recommended

ArenaClear-well worth the investment! ArenaClear was recommended to me by my veterinarian who saw my husband watering our large, dusty arena. We have a large horse boarding facility with about 50 horses, and our indoor arena is used daily. Keeping the dust down was a weekly time consuming chore. I really thought I was at a point I needed to just replace all the footing in the arena because the footing just wasn’t holding the moisture.

I decided to give ArenaClear a try and what a difference it made! It changed the texture of the footing so it now holds the moisture. It has cut my watering time in half. I don’t have to water as often, and when I do, it doesn’t take as long to get the job done.

It is important to take the time to follow the directions and take the time to do the initial application as directed so it gets into the soil. I was concerned it may be complicated, but with the Ortho Sprayer, it was no more difficult than watering my lawn.

I am so impressed, I plan to purchase ArenaClear for a second application this year, as it is recommended two applications the first year then after that one application a year. ArenaClear has solved our dusty arena problem and given me much needed time to devote to other projects! Thank you!

Allison-over a week w/o watering

I treated my arena with arena clear a month ago and am very pleased with the results. I used to water my arena every 2 or 3 days and now I can easily go over a week between watering. The dust stays down even if the arena looks dry. It has saved me lots of time!

Cheryl-each year the arena dust has declined with less water needed

I want to let you know how much I like Arenaclear. We built a new arena (65 x 120) in 2012. We put in 5 inches of sand and of course it was very dusty without constant watering. We tried some products to keep the dust down, but they did not work very well. Then we discovered Arenaclear at Quarter Horse Congress. We were skeptical at first. We have now used Arenaclear for 3 years and applied it according to the instructions. Each year the arena dust has declined with less watering on our part. We especially appreciate this benefit in the winter since we live in a cold climate and less water in the arena means less freezing. All of the claims that you make about Arenaclear are absolutely true. I would and do highly recommend this product to other horse enthusiasts.

Happy mom & daughter video

We just purchased your product a few weeks ago at Congress and we could not be happier with the results! My daughter and her horse could not be happier!

Paula Booth-Above & Beyond

I must say customer service is above and beyond.  Will update on how ARENACLEAR works in my very dusty covered arena.  Again great customer service.